
Kate Charles Garden Design - Alpine Garden Render - A circular lawn with path behind, and seating areas positioned to capture the views across the garden

Alpine Garden

Alpine Garden Before A blank Canvas. The client’s brief was to recreate the feel of walking in the Austrian Alps. I used the natural slope of the garden to create an ‘alpine path’, with the addition of large rocks and alpine planting to create the feel of walking in the mountains Overall Design Concept Completed …

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Kate Charles Garden Design - Overview of the seating – lots of space now!

Elegant Courtyard

Elegant Courtyard Before Overgrown and without much usable space, although with a lovely sunny aspect Overall Design Concept I designed built-in seating to make the most of the space, and a sleek, practical kitchen area for outdoor entertaining Contemporary screens mask subtle lighting, to make the most of the space in the evening.Showing the beautiful …

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