
A wildflower meadow lawn with clover and yarrow

No Mow May – Give the mower a miss – your garden will thank you

If you’re a gardener you’ve probably seen or heard of No Mow May. The organisation Plantlife promotes the scheme, which encourages gardeners or any lawn-custodians such as local councils, to put the mower in the shed for the whole month. This is to help the natural grasses and flowers flourish, and is also vitally important …

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A hand holding a swift bird summer arrival April

A swift arrival

One of the signals of summer that nature affords me every year is the arrival of Swifts after their admirable migration efforts from their winter holidays in Africa. They arrive in late Spring, exhausted and in need of a little recovery before they create their nests, raise their young and then depart with the waning …

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Kate Charles Garden Design Worcester Signs of Spring Daffodils opening in bud

Signs of spring

This week, the weather is feeling warmer and more spring-like, and I certainly welcome the signs of new life in the garden. The bluetits are choosing their favourite nest box (they are a regular and welcome visitor to my garden) and sparrows have been spotted gathering nesting materials. There’s a great sense of anticipation, as …

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